Secure products for customer satisfaction and reliability with S3 Expertise.


Vulnerability and Penetration Testing

Alarming increase in number of privacy breaches lead to tremendous negative impact on Brand name and Challenging customer retention. Protect your Patent, Your data from unauthorized access, protect your data from loss and deletion with S3 Vulnerability and Penetration Testing expertise. At S3 we follow a comprehensive and rigorous Pen-Testing process to ensure that all vulnerabilities are identified and addressed. Our process includes a thorough analysis of your Orgniuzation’s systems and applications, as well as a review of your policies and procedures, to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is secure.

Continuous Testing

With more dynamic trends and increased demand of customizations, modifications to databases, deployment configurations, bug fixes, functionality upgrades, new features, integrations, patches, etc is a continuous develop operation cycle, so is continuous testing. Continuous testing objective is to re-run functional and non functional tests continuously to ensure software performs in the same manner the way it did before making changes. At S3, continuous testing leverages best test experts and practices to provide full advantage in conducting testing in various life cycles including waterfall, agile, DevOps, etc.


Compatibility Testing

A “U” Cube experience, you provide your User with a Unique experience and let that Unique experience be uniform across all the Operating Systems, Devices and Browsers. Compatibility testing ensures application is robust, and functions seamless. Our team of experts come with cross browsing testing tools including screen dimensions, carriers, browsers, OS versions, servers, etc basis your business need and demand. S3 connections compatibility testing maximizes your reach to various devices and minimizes risk of end user experience. Our compatibility tests can be performed within a month, within a quarter basis your product complexity and number of platforms to be tested.

Performance Testing

If High Responsiveness, Availability and Scalability are your concerns then S3 Performance and Load testing has solutions for you. Our team of experts with experience in wide range of applications including client server, web, distributed, ecommerce, mobile, cloud, and complex systems can help you with capacity planning, baseline test, load, stress, and endurance to ensure your applications function normal during peaks. Our expertise cover a wide range of tools, technologies and processes and provide you with analytics of various parameters to know how applications behave under vigorous tests.

Testing consumes approximately 20% of overall application development costs which are not usually budgeted initially, however, these can hamper user experience, impact brand image and make customer retention a challenge. Faster Go-to-Market means a thorough testing in place with accelerated feedback and quicker issue resolutions. Safer, Faster, cross browser and load bearing applications gain significant competitive edge, making go-live faster, increasing user confidence and reduce costs invariably.


Sign up/book consultation with S3 Connections

Ensure your software's reliability and quality with our expert testing services today! Contact us to discuss your testing needs and elevate your product to the next level.




We are a Women owned company, passionate about modern technologies and it’s possibilities to unfold challenges keeps us more exited in what we do. We help teams work seamless with providing unified experience across platforms using modern technologies and intelligent automations at the back, giving you more time to be innovative and creative in what you do.